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Posts tagged “University of Queensland

“Turkey-tecture” – Postscriptum

Aah how the world continues to surprise me!

A walk around UQ campus on Wednesday not only showed me other areas of brush turkey activity:


“Bark chip transfer zone” (between the UQ Staff & Graduates Club and the Zelman Cowan Building).

but also  updated me on how quickly the world of Turkey-tecture can change:


A newly clean-swept pathway between the Brush turkey nest on the Great Court (left) and the old Radon Lab in Alumni Court (right).

However, off-campus a truly heartening sign that man is on the Brush turkey’s side, is the sighting of several mounds of fresh bark chips that have recently been deposited by the city council in Acacia Park (off Carmody Road adjacent to UQ campus):


Bark chip building materials – ripe for the taking by aspiring Turkey-tects!

Perhaps this is “bait” ploy by UQ administration to lure “recidivist” Turkey-tects off the campus?